In this section of the website we are going to explain how our vacuum cleaner works, focusing in two main topics wich are how VACZ clean and how Vacz move if you like physics you are going to like it and this is a way of you to understand more properly the physics inside a vacuum cleaner.
For the vacuum cleaner to be able to move we used a remotely controlled car electric circuit. The motor used in our system is a Brushless DC(direct current) motor. The energy used by a DC motor comes from batteries or another generated power source that offers constant voltage. DC motors are made up of several parts, the most notable of which include bearings, shafts and a gearbox or gears. DC motors offer better speed variation and control and produce more torque than AC motors. Motors are composed by a Rotor, which is the moving part that turns the shaft to deliver the mechanical power; Bearings, which allow the rotor to turn on its axis; a Stator, which is the stationary part of the motor's electromagnetic circuit surrounding the rotor; Windings, which are the wires that are laid in coils; a Commutator which is a rotary electrical switch that supplies current to the rotor. When the coil is fed, a magnetic field is generated around the rotor. The way it works is the left side of the rotor is pushed out of the left magnet and drawn to the right, causing it to spin. When the rotor is horizontally aligned, the torque becomes zero. At this point, the switch reverses the direction of the current through the coil, reversing the magnetic field.

Because the controller we use is not specifically made for our system, the way we control the vacuum cleaner is probably not how you expect it to be. You would assume that if we wanted to make it move forwards we would only have to press one button, but we would actually have to press two at the same time because each side of the controller is in charge of one wheel. Of course if we were ever to move forward with this project we would design our own controller accordingly to our needs.
Before we explain to you how Vacz cleans you must know some fundamental laws.
What is Venturi effect?
The Venturi effect states that in a situation with constant mechanical energy, the velocity of a fluid passing through a constricted area will increase and its static pressure will decrease. The effect utilizes both the principle of continuity as well as the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.
What is Bernoulli's equation?
The Bernoulli's equation is the general equation that describes the pressure difference in two different points of pipe with respect to velocity changes or change in kinetic energy and height changes or change in potential energy. It also says that an increase velocity in a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy.Bernoulli's equation is valid for ideal fluids: those that are incompressible, irrotational, inviscid, and subjected to conservative forces. It is sometimes valid for the flow of gases: provided that there is no transfer of kinetic or potential energy from the gas flow to the compression or expansion of the gas.
Basically the Venturi effect is explained by the Bernoulli's equation.
When we turn the motor on and the helix start spinning backwardsthe air leaves and it creates rarefaction, therefore inside of our vacuum cleaner we have less density, less pressure and more velocity.

What is Athmosferic pressure?
Atmospheric pressure is the force applied by the weight of the air in a certain place.
It is caused by the gravitational attraction of the planet on the atmospheric gases above the surface and is a function of the mass of the planet.
To understand how our vacuum cleaner aspirates, we also need to understand what atmospheric pressure is, atmospheric pressure is the force applied by the weight of the air in a certain place.
It is caused by the gravitational attraction of the planet on the atmospheric gases above the surface and is a function of the mass of the planet.
When we turn on the vacuum cleaner, the helix spins backwards and the air leaves the bottle trough the small holes that we made. Because of that we create a partial vacuum.
Even though we make a partial vacuum, this is not the responsible for the vacuum cleaner to aspirate. The responsible is the atmospheric pressure. The air column of the vacuum cleaner that is above him is going to the tube to compensate the lack of pressure inside the bottle, but the air is always leaving because of the power of the helix and the small holes that we made at the back of the bottle all of this together with the Venturi effect is what makes the vacuum cleaner clean properly.

As we said the holes at the back of the bottle are CRUCIAL without them we can not do anything, if you ever try to do this in your house do not forget to do this holes