For the english part of the project we decided to talk about working conditions since it was sort of related to the vacuum cleaner. We chose this topic because most people spend a significant amount of time of their life working in bad conditions and exposed to many different factors that can interfere with the way you work like dust for example, or not having a clean desk, and these types of things can really make you less efficient.
But what is Working Conditions?
Working conditions refers to the working environment and aspects of an employee's terms and conditions of employment. This covers such matters as: the organisation of work and work activities; training, skills and employability; health, safety and well-being; and working time and work-life balance.
Approximately 36 percent of working people had zero information or instruction on health and safety at work.
This is very concerning, every job is dangerous in some way and when we see that 36 percent of working people had zero information on safety at work we understand that this need to change! I can not believe that in a developed country like Portugal that is where this stats came from, are so many people who do not know the basics of health and safety at work, since there are situations that can change if we know more information about this.
Nearly 19 percent of workers say that their employer doesn’t perform periodic or occasional medical check-ups.
Once again a shocking number from Portugal how approximately 2 in 10 people have never went to medical check-ups by their employer. Both of my teachers actually said that their employer have never perfomed such things and they deal with stress and anxiety everyday but their employer seems to not care at all. This mentality needs to cange, we need to keep our workers as healthy as possible with medical at least once a year.
Why should we keep our working spaces clean?
It's very important to keep our working space clean because it can prevent the spread of some illnesses such as Covid-19, the flue and much more worse diseases. Also everyone likes having their working spaces clean and likes feeling comfortable when they are studying, this is probably because this allows you to be more productive and more efficient overall.
Dangers that may come with work:
Physical injuries: Most common amongst workers that are sitting down all day and amongst people that work in the construction department.
Professional injuries;
Psychological problems; Most common amongst people that interact with others or people that are constantly in stress
Discomfort problems; Most common on people that are sitting down all day in front of a computer screen, this can be fixed or made better with the use of an ergonomic chair.
Musculoskeletal injuries of the upper limbs; Specific musculoskeletal injuries of the hands; Musculoskeletal injuries of the lower limbs;
These are the most commun injuries and as we can see they are generally from people who work in offices everyday in the same position, that later the effect of that bad posture hits, and for that there are also ergonomic chairs that are expensive but very helpful for people who suffer from back problems or work in the same position on the chair for hours, a thing you should consider investing.