The building phase was the most funniest part but also the hardest. After some study we decided that we wanted to make it circular so it would reach more space so when we knew what we were doing we gather all the materials that we had in one table and the idea came.
The materials that we used for the vacuum cleaner were : 2L plastic bottle, 12V powered engine (removed from a printer), a piece of fabric from a metal can, 22V lythium battery, 9V lythium battery, strips of copper, remotely controlled circuit, plastic tube, 3 RC car wheels and cardboard.

The first prototype of our vacuum cleaner or as we like to call it the heart of the vacuum, was the first thing we did, we saw a video from a brazilian youtuber ( so we agreed that we would do something similar for the interior. Now comes the building part, first we cut a Sprite bottle in the middle and made holes in the bottom of the bottle so that the air could escape freely, after that we installed a 12V powered engine that was removed from a printer, then we stuck the printer motor in the centre of the Sprite bottle, with that we made the propeller from a piece of metal taken from a Nesquik can, so that from there we would be able to create some void in the bottle, after that we made the filter from a piece of fabric (old) and copper, we used copper to be able to shape or filter, so that it could get inside the bottle. This filter is responsible for making sure that the garbage that is sucked in does not reach the engine, and so that it stays in a place that is then easily removed.
Then we made the tube through which the garbage passes, we made this channel from a tube taken from a washing machine, and then we just stuck it on the bottle head and the vacuum cleaner itself was ready.
This is how it looked:

In the second part of the construction of the vacuum cleaner, we had to do the part of the vacuum cleaner's steering circuit, the steering circuit was removed from a remote control car and was adapted to our vacuum cleaner, at first we wanted to reuse the motors that came in the car, but these were too weak to be able to make the vacuum cleaner move, so we had to buy stronger and less energy consuming motors (with a reduction box), our vacuum cleaner has two batteries, one 9V one that was responsible for feeding the circuit the direction of the vacuum cleaner and another one of 23V lithium to power only the vacuum cleaner. We also did some upgrades we buyed another remotely controlled circuit as the other one was not working as we wanted, we wanted to control it from a further distance.

In the third part of the construction of the vacuum we had to make the base of the vacuum, we made the base out of cardboard, we glued the vacuum cleaner itself to the base, than we glued the wheels and we connected the circuit. And so our vacuum cleaner made out of recyclable materials was finished. As you can see it works perfectly.

This is how it looks finished, we coloured it black and now we will show you some videos of Vacz working, enjoy.

On the video on the right you can see the upgrades that we did from the second term.